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June 24, 2015 - Posted to Writing
10 Tips for Developing Your Writing Imagination

Developing great writing skills is something to which everybody should aspire. The ability to write in ways that are inspirational, thought-provoking, interesting, entertaining, and informative is something that can improve your life as a student, professional, or simply as a person who enjoys using writing as a way to reach others. There are many ways to become a better writer.  You can certainly work towards improving your spelling and grammar skills. You can also take action to expand your vocabulary. You’ll certainly see an improvement in your writing by doing either of these things. However, there is another important step towards better writing skills. This is to improve your ability to express yourself creatively and to use your imagination when you write. Here are ten easy to follow tips on improving your imaginative skills as they relate to your writing.

1. Read as Much as Possible

This probably seems simplistic, and a little obvious, however, it is also the truth. People who frequently read are better at expressing themselves and using their imagination in their writing. So, if you cannot dedicate the time to any of the other steps on this list, please consider increasing the amount of time you spend reading each week.

2. Write something Every Day

The part of your brain that you use in creative writing will atrophy without regular use. Don’t let this happen. Spend a few minutes each day writing something. Don’t worry if it isn’t perfect or if you wouldn’t share it with anybody. Just write! It will help you to fight the fear of the blank page and will improve your writing skills.

3. Try Writing from a Different Perspective

When we write, we tend to do so from our point of view. Unfortunately, this isn’t very challenging, and it doesn’t help to expand your writing skills. Get creative and write about your subject from the perspective of another person. Try something unusual or completely contrary to your own perspective.

4. Use Examples and Scenarios in Your Writing

This is a great way to exercise your imagination when engaging in nonfiction writing, e.g. essays. As you are supporting your thesis, try crafting scenarios or examples that will help your readers understand your points.

5. Find Other Ways to be Creative

People who have great imaginations develop their creative abilities by utilizing multiple outlets. Make an effort to engage in music, visual art, dance, photography or other creative pursuits. Even some of your daily activities can be creative outlets. Do you cook from scratch, Knit, or do crafts? Then you’ve got this step covered!

6. Force Yourself to Write Creatively

Whenever you write something, ask yourself a few questions. Am I using language that describes what I want the reader to see? Is this a good place to insert a simile or metaphor? Have I used this phrase too many times, and should I think of a new phrase? Then, use the answers to these questions to make improvements. Keep improving your work and try to be objective and critical to the results.

7. Step Back and Brainstorm

The most common advice for freelance writers you may find sounds like this - if you ever struggle with weaving imaginative words and phrases into your writing, please take a moment to do a bit of brainstorming. It can be difficult at first, but try jotting down as many ideas and thoughts as possible about the subject at hand. When you go through them afterwards, you’re likely to find at least a couple of ideas that will help you get back on track.

8. Remember that Setting is Important

Too many writers focus solely on forwarding the plot or making their intended point. They miss out on their opportunity to fully engage their audience when they don’t establish a setting. Remember that the ‘where’ of an event is just as important as the who, what, when, and why. A place of your story can help you to develop the plot in a more interesting and unique way.

9. Write things Down

Believe it or not, you probably have dozens of interesting and creative thoughts that enter your mind each day. Why lose them? Carry a pad of paper and write those thoughts down! They may become writing ideas later on, or they may just provide you with some interesting insight into your thought process.

10. Notice Creativity in Others

The expression of imagination and creativity cannot happen without the consumption of imagination and creativity. Look for examples of imagination in writing, art, and other media every day. Take note of what you have found to be compelling and why.

For more writing tips, please read the blog at You’ll find a load of great advice and information. Also if you need help with a research paper or any other academic paper – you can always get in contact with our support team and we will find you the most suitable writer!

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