Well, you are almost there! You are either beginning or somewhere in the process of producing that dissertation! If you have not yet begun or are in the very early stages, having identified your research question had it approved by your advisor, you are probably very excited to get going. If you are somewhere in the middle, you may be feeling a bit of frustration. Perhaps the literature has really bogged you down; maybe you are struggling with your instruments or the statistical analysis of your data. One of your frustrations may be with yourself – that you are finding yourself incapable of just hammering this thing out quickly.
Dissertation Help of Any Type Can Be Found Here! Over many years, we have hunted down and found Ph.D. academicians in all specialized areas of study, so that we can provide graduate students with the dissertation writing help they need as they prepare their theses and dissertations. We are really proud of our consulting team, and they do great work! No matter what type of help you may need, no matter for what section or chapter, you can get a personal consultant who will “ride the wave” with you from beginning to end.
Your Proposal Generally, a proposal is no more than 10 pages, but those pages are hugely critical! Unless you get it approved, you cannot proceed. Your department already has given you the guidelines for the proposal, but in general, you will need to have the following:
- A really coherent and well-writing statement of your research question
- A justification that the question is an important one that will add to the knowledge in your field
- You will need to briefly summarize the beginning research you have done so far, to show that the question is valid and important and how your research will build on what has gone before.
- A proposed methodology will need to be included – how are you going to conduct your research and what types of instruments are you planning to design. What data will you be collecting?
Sometimes, dissertation students end up re-writing their proposal a few times before it is finally approved. With the dissertation help services from GhostProfessors.com, you will not face the re-writes that will only serve to slow you down!
The Literature Review Be happy that you are writing your dissertation in the 21st century. ProQuest is an amazing source for finding the literature you need for your literature review chapter. In years past, doctoral candidates had to pour through card catalogues, micro-fiche, and in the later part of the 201th century ERIC. Still nothing is like ProQuest, where you can type in your keywords and immediately have access to hundreds of pieces of literature that relate to your research question. The problem is, you will not be using those hundreds of pieces. You must read through the abstracts and determine which ones are worth a full reading. Even then, you will find many “duds” – those that just don’t relate well enough to your research. One of the things that can be done for you, when your get your own consultant from our dissertation writing service, is that you can request that consultant, who is already a Ph.D. expert in the field, to review those abstracts and literature and identify those that are the most current and relevant to what you are going to be doing. And, if that is not enough, s/he can prepare that entire chapter for you, so that you can move on with your methodology chapter.
Let’s summarize, when you use our academic writing services you get quality writing, originality, speed, great customer service, and respect for your privacy. You also have the use of our sleekly designed and easy to use website. Finally, we back all of the claims that we make by offering free revisions on all documents until you are completely satisfied. We’d love to have you as a customer, so why not place your order today?
Methodology and Instruments Planning your methodology down to the very last detail is really important if you are going to collect the data that will be most relevant. Perhaps you will need to identify your experimental and control groups; maybe you will have identify the very specific demographics of a population you intend to study, to interview, and/or to survey. Then, of course, you will have to design the perfect instruments to get that data you need. If you need help structuring all of this, your GhostProfessors.com expert is there to assist you. If you need help getting it all down is solid prose writing for your chapter, you need only say “Write my dissertation methodology chapter,” and s/he will do it for you. You can “busy” yourself with implementation of the research and gathering the data – all of which have to be presented in your Results Chapter.
Results This chapter should be easy, but sometimes it is difficult for students to organize and present the data they have gathered. If you need such organizational help, here is where you get that! You will need to show your results graphically, along with prose explanations, and either or both can be done for you! Sometimes, your results will be part of your methodology chapter; other schools/departments want it in a separate chapter.
The Discussion Chapter Here is where it gets a bit hairy, especially if you are not a mathematician. While computerized statistical analysis software has made things much easier in recent years, there is, nevertheless, the issues of selecting the correct formulae to use; as well, you have to be certain that the numbers you are plugging in are in the right places! You need an experienced pro to take a look at your numbers and what you have done with them, or, if need be, to “run” those numbers for you. Again, you will also need to present the analysis in both graphical and prose methods – your consultant can help with that too! Depending upon the department, you discussion chapter may also include your conclusion, but the conclusion, nevertheless, must be dealt with separately.
The Conclusion Here you will be answering your research question, pointing out any limitations or constraints to the research you have completed, and making recommendations for others who may be considering research in the same specific area. This can be a bit of an organizational “nightmare” but it your our dissertation writing services, you will only have good dreams!
Preparation for Your Oral Defense One of the last pieces of assistance we can give you is in preparing you for that oral defense. Your consultant will easily be able to come up with the questions that will most likely come up when you meet with your committee and “defend” our work. With this kind of preparation, you will “sail” through that process.
Our dissertation services are easy to obtain. It is a short process, really.
- You contact us and discuss what you need right now and what your future needs may be.
- We assign your Ph.D. specialist, and you and s/he take it from that point.
- Everything that we do for you is held in the strictest confidence
- We can set up progressive billing and delivery, so that you approve and pay for each piece of assistance as you go!

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